
KIND WORDS TO GIVE OURSELVES. These postcards size art, are about giving YOURSELF the permission you need.
Find one that resonates! These permissions are about finding the courage within, they are about figuring out what you need today and focusing on that.

permission to be / permiso para crecer

Permission to BE where I am. To exist and take space right were one is. The Spanish version actually reads: permission to GROW where I am, it was more poetic in my opinion the way it sounded when spoken out loud. Either way BE or GROW where we find ourselves now is the best we can do.

i give myself permission to… / me doy permiso para…

We all have different needs and we are in different seasons of our lives. Here is a blank card to write what you feel you need today or this week to motivate you.

permission to shine / permiso para brillar

In a powerful coaching session, I was seen, I was noticed and I was asked to give myself ‘Permission to Shine.’ When you feel you have good things to share, but also know you are hiding having this reminder can be powerful. I tested it myself, so I approve!



Need I say more? Why are we so often our toughest critics? Why do we forget we are human and mortal? Unrealistic expectations have been my nemesis and in my attempt to being kinder to myself I needed this reminder. Do you want it, too?