...sobre la tela de una araña
4 x 3 in watercolor, pen and pencil on paper
Elephants swinging on a spider's web. Mighty spider web! And so the song I learned as a kid goes, and every time I post, it gets stuck in my head.
It is all for a good cause, more elephant friends. This set is full of the observers and thinkers. They are a bit older than the others, you notice it in their attitudes and even their skin. The palette while is complementary with oranges and blues, has a gray tint that makes them look older.
This process has been very experimental and playful. I very much enjoyed it. I sat down with my small drawings, divided them into groups of 4 and chose different color palettes for each group. Painted different parts of the same color at a time, and waited for them to dry. While those were drying I was able to add details on the older batch with white pen and pencil shadowing. It all felt very productive.