Outside vs. Inside
illustration for Dr. Allen’s e-book, How to Become Emotionally Mature, print available here
I was an exchange student back in the day. By experiencing a new culture, speaking a second language 24/7, and living with my host family, I was destined to receive a different perspective on life.
One of the biggest realizations was that I could question and decide for myself what was true and what was right. That was exhilarating and scary at the same time.
It was so much easier to let life dictate what I did and have the ‘circumstances’ to blame if it didn’t work out. Moving from letting things happen to me to taking charge was empowering though.
Since then I have been learning what it is to live from the inside-out.
So, what does it mean to me you ask?
It means I am intentionally curating what I pay attention to and not
It means I make educated choices and ask for help when I need to figure things out
It means I am open to learning because my way is not the only way
It means I question my negative voices
it means I am aware of my feelings
And the lessons don’t cease to come, I think this path is one of eternal learning.
To be clear, though, I am not rejecting my past, that is what has made me, me. Those roots inform much of my personality, but now I have wings to soar and decide the lessons I am keeping. I am reframing experiences, so they align with who I want to be now. And I am thankful to have been born where I was, to the family I belonged to, because from them too I continue to learn. All 4’11” of me will always claim that.
Outside vs. Inside, which one is winning in your life?
Gratitude is a good way to figure it out.
2 minutes at night, write 5 things you are thankful for that day. Repeat.
One it boosts your mood, Two it gives you good dreams, Three by keeping it up you start noticing patterns of what brings you joy. Joy happens when INSIDE is louder than outside.
Dare you to try it, tell me how it went, give it a week!
This and the illustrations in this collection from the e-book How to Become Emotionally Mature are available, visit my shop here.