Thinking of Today
I often want to and try to do too much. In many ways I have self-imposed overwhelm in my life. Saying or thinking: One more, 10 more minutes, one more bite have left me saying no to something more important, exhausted, and stuffed. Has that ever happened to you?
With my art, the “more is better” believe meant going too fast, making paintings work but I wasn’t proud of, and adding too much to a composition until it became too busy – no undo button here.
What I Feed Grows, acrylic on panel
Overwhelmed has taken away from the moment, and borrowed from the future too. So being present is one thing I have been working on in the last couple years.
These are ways to be present that are working for me, that I hope help you:
1) Single-tasking. I can’t tell you how many times I have packed a bag with articles to read, things to file, and a sketchbook for a 1-hour event and sat there thinking of all the things I had in the bag and not paying attention. That left me feeling empty and guilty. Contrast that with just 30 minutes of watching, just watching a show with my son despite the pile of laundry and the to-do list. That left me full, okay there was some cuddling that added to the experience.
2) Pay attention to all my senses whatever I am doing, wherever I am at the moment. Driving is a good example here. Have you gotten to a place but couldn’t remember the trip? I hated that. Involving any of my senses intentionally on a regular trip has helped me become more aware and to notice, which has brought lots of inspiration to my work.
illustration for Dr. Allen’s e-book, How to Become Emotionally Mature, print available here
3) Taking a break. Things and emotions add up fast, sometimes I need a quiet moment, a prayer, or a nap. Lately, I turn on a 1-5-minute meditation and that does the trick, plus I get my meditation done.
Being present is a practice and if I find something else that works, I will share it. Here are a couple questions to figure out what will work for you:
What do I want less off to bring balance in my life?
What do I want more off to bring balance in my life?
I would love to hear about your practices and answers, leave a comment below.