Cristina Kramp

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Closing chapters and Opening New Books!

The end of the most unusual school year came. For our family it was also the end of elementary school and one more kid moving onto high school. Are transitions hard for you too?

It hit me the hardest, I think, realizing the changes and people that were not going to be regularly around us. I have gotten used to their care and good influence on my kids. I was very sad and SO grateful for them, great humans that have asked my kids very important questions and guided them to find their answers.

Remote learning was an adjustment. It had me feeling helpless at times not knowing how to be helpful to our adaptable teachers. So, I honor you and say THANK YOU! to all teachers for putting their heart, sweat, and I bet tears too into your calling. You impact our kids and our families, and our community is better because of your efforts.

To quote a wise educator "What you put into today becomes who you are tomorrow" - Beth Stanley.

We had to do things differently this year, but it also helped us grow in distinct ways. We adapted and found new ways to make things work. At the end of the day the sum total of good actions moved us forward.

Beth's words were important words to illustrate.

I enjoyed coming up with ideas and she liked the maze idea as it incorporated making mistakes and trying again.

And try and try again we had, figuring out how to make personal connections work without being together.

I admire the energy and care that the teachers closest to us showed because they made it easier for my kids to want to learn and show up.

I believe that when we put our heart into whatever we're doing, we only create good. And when we focus our attention on the good in this world, good things happen. It’s a beautiful cycle! We start to care and caring people do more good things and find new ways, which sprouts hope. Hope motivates action and action builds wonders, in the end we lift each other up.

THANK YOU TEACHERS for lifting so many up, for encouraging my kids to speak up, to follow through, to value different perspectives, to reflect, to care, and have fun learning.

Thank you for asking these powerful questions to them:
What did you learn? How did you help? What are you grateful for?

How about you?

What did you learn? How did you help? What are you grateful for TODAY?

Muchas gracias from the bottom of my heart!
Say Hey Sahalee! (which roughly translated means good, good, very good) dear EAS